Green lifestyle, Wellness

Bringing the green indoors

COVID-19 has brought out the green thumb in me⁠—or at the very least inspired me to have more greenery in my apartment. As the weather started to get warmer, and after weeks of staying indoors, I began to feel a bit stressed out. The uncertainty of COVID-19, and not knowing when things would get better, I needed to bring something into my space that would bring me peace. For some reason, I was craving to buy a house plant. Wanting to purchase a plant was the first time I had a strong desire to have a plant in my home.

Fern in flower pot surrounded by houseplants on wooden shelf.
Photo credit: korsarid/Adobe Stock Images

In this blog, I wanted to dabble into the benefits of having indoor plants and see if there are any health benefits associated with having plants in your home. Is there a correlation between what I was feeling and the benefits of indoor plants? Well, let’s find out.

According to a Prevention article, there are eight benefits to having indoor plants:

  1. Breathe better 
  2. They make any room more comfortable
  3. Boost your mental well-being 
  4. Feel a sense of accomplishment
  5. Plants help you forgot about the stress
  6. Increase productivity
  7. Promote healing
  8. Enhance therapeutic care

While I may not see all the benefits of having indoor plants in my home, I can see some of the benefits. My overall stress levels have started to decrease, and now I have a section in my apartment dedicated for my future green space. I am hoping as the summer progresses, I can expand my space. While before COVID-19, I did not care for indoor plants, I am starting to see the benefits of having greenery inside. It is like bringing nature indoors.

Are you looking to start growing your house garden?

I would recommend checking out Black Girls with Garden. It is a website aimed to provide support and education to women of colour who want to learn how to garden through useful tips and resources. I particularly enjoyed reading “11 Easy To Care For House Plants For Beginners” and “5 Ways You’re Killing Your House Plant and Don’t Know It” articles. 

Let’s keep the conversation going. Do you have indoor plants? What is your experience around gardening? Let me know in the comments below. 

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